Friday, 6 April 2018

Elemis Pro Collagen Luxury Anti-Aging Skincare – Worth the Price?

Elemis Pro Collagen Anti-Aging Skincare Review by Popular Los Angeles Blog My Beauty Bunny

Photo Credit: Joe Kohen @joekohenpix

Elemis Pro Collagen Luxury Anti-Aging Skincare Review

Review by Marney Yaniv.

Is the Elemis Pro Collagen skincare line worth the hefty price tag? Well, like most women of a certain age, I’m concerned about wrinkles and age spots, but also about my overall skin health. Years of sun exposure and the effects of aging make skin cancer more of a risk for older women. Skin maintenance and protection is not just a matter of beauty or vanity, but it’s also a serious matter of health and wellbeing.

I’m prepared to spend a significant amount on cruelty free skincare products – and I certainly have over the past several years. I pore over the claims of the leading cosmetic brands, and I’m always ready to try cosmetic counter samples. I’m ready to believe the TV declarations of the beautiful and famous actresses who make claims for one product or another but, unfortunately, I’ve been repeatedly disappointed by most name-brand cleansers, day creams and night creams – not to mention masks and serums.

My skin is what dermatologists label “combination”, meaning I have both dry and oily patches. Also, it’s thin and rather sensitive. Consequently, my dressing table is covered in jars of “miracle” wrinkle creams and moisturizers … which ultimately get used up as expensive body or foot cream.

I’m on a fixed income, so I want a skincare brand that delivers on its promises. Also, the quantity and frequency of application required to obtain results is something I take into consideration when choosing a luxury anti-aging skincare product.

A Generous Gift Package

About two months ago Jen gave me an Elemis gift package that consisted of the famous British cosmetic firm’s Pro-collagen Cleansing Balm, Pro-collagen Marine Cream and Pro-collagen Overnight Matrix. I hadn’t heard of Elemis, but I was more than ready to give these products a try.

I did a little research on this popular British skincare brand and was intrigued by their use of marine ingredients and natural products.

Elemis Pro Collagen Cleansing Balm Review by Los Angeles Cruelty Free Beauty Blog My Beauty Bunny

Photo credit: Joe Kohen (@joekohenpix)

Pro-collagen Cleansing Balm – cleanse, but also nourish

This unusual golden waxy paste is applied to a dry face and massaged in, then a few drops of water added to make a foam, and then rinsed off. The consistency and scent were a bit medicinal – reminded me a bit of a good English saddle soap. However, I was more than pleased with the way my face felt afterwards – really clean, but also supple and smooth and not stripped or tight.

Elemis Pro Collagen Marine Cream Review by Los Angeles Cruelty Free Beauty Blog My Beauty Bunny

Photo Credit: Joe Kohen (@joekohenpix)

Pro-collagen Marine Cream – moisturize and protect all day

Having decided to forsake all other lotions and potions, I faithfully applied the Elemis Pro Collagen Marine Cream each morning to a clean face. It was easily absorbed, and I was impressed with the lightness and the smooth feeling it gave my face and neck. And, in fact, the feeling actually does last twelve hours, as claimed. After a week or so, my skin looked so good I skipped applying my powder concealer or any other makeup. No more dry lips and no dryness along my jawline. The active ingredients (Mediterranean algae, chlorella and gingko biloba) started working wonders almost immediately. This light cream has a faint but very pleasing floral scent, and a small amount goes a long way. The instructions state “pea size” to cover face and neck, and that amount is just right. Elemis also has a new version with SPF 30 that I’d like to try.

Elemis Pro Collagen Anti Aging Skincare Review by Los Angeles Cruelty Free Beauty Blog My Beauty Bunny

Photo Credit: Joe Kohen (@joekohenpix)

Pro-collagen Overnight Matrix

This is what Elemis has to say: “Harnessing a powerful blend of Padina Pavonica, NEW Drone Peptide Technology, Microalgae and Wild Indigo Oligosaccharides, Pro-Collagen Overnight Matrix’s revolutionary formula creates a protective matrix to seal in hydration and works throughout the night to help restore the natural balance to stressed-looking skin.”

I don’t know whether this is Elemis’ secret weapon or not, but after a week or so of applying Elemis Overnight Matrix Cream each night after cleansing my face, I saw definite improvement in my skin tone, a new smoothness on my forehead and cheeks, and a flexibility around my eyes and lips that wasn’t there before.

My skin is prone to dry, crusty patches which develop on my cheeks and neck (they’re called basil cell carcinomas) which in the past had to be removed by my dermatologist as they can develop into skin cancer (melanomas). I also have faint freckles on my forehead and cheeks, and the usual fine lines and wrinkles that develop with age.

The scent and golden color of this night cream is similar to the cleansing balm, but the texture is so light it’s more like a lotion and it’s absorbed immediately into the skin, leaving a silky-smooth feeling. Again, a “pea size” amount of the Pro-collagen Overnight Matrix cream is sufficient, so the 1.6 ounces is going to go a long way.

The Elemis Natural Beauty Treatment

Since using these three Elemis products there are no more dry patches on my face or neck, and my facial skin freckles and age spots have significantly lessened.

Not only am I delighted with the results of using the Elemis Pro-collagen Cleansing Balm, Pro-collagen Marine Cream, and Pro-collagen Overnight Matrix over the past month or so, but I am looking forward to trying some of Elemis’ other beauty products designed to treat specific skin problems. I’m especially looking forwarding to trying their eye serum – Pro-collagen Advanced Eye Treatment.

Another thing that impressed me about this British luxury cosmetic firm is that you can order on line directly from Elemis or you can find their products on Amazon. While this Elemis trio of anti-aging products may not be considered inexpensive, it is more cost-effective per use than many other luxury skin care cosmetics.

Marney Yaniv Los Angeles Skincare Blog Writer

Review by Marney Yaniv. Retired Hilton Executive Secretary and freelance copywriter. Lives in West Hollywood CA. Proud mother and grandmother. Enjoys travel, sewing, and estate sales. 

Photo credits: @joekohenpix

The post Elemis Pro Collagen Luxury Anti-Aging Skincare – Worth the Price? appeared first on My Beauty Bunny.

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